Kiran Naz Biography – Anchor Age Husband Daughter Salary

Kiran Naz Biography – Anchor Age Husband Daughter Salary

Winner of the Manohar Malgonkar Award for Best Biography, Kiran Naz is a versatile writer with an acute understanding of human nature. Born in Hyderabad, Naz has lived all his life in India’s most cosmopolitan city-New Delhi.

He is an articulate and well-informed writer whose prose is never dull and is always loaded with witty humor and memorable details. In his debut novel, The Garden of Eden, he narrates the story of how a humble boy, Chitra, arrives at Chandranath’s house to find that it is empty.

Returning home, Chitra laments the lack of true love and God in his life and resolves to marry a girl from outside the village to fulfill what he feels he is missing. However, Chitra’s wife Mahesh is equally disappointed. When they marry, Mahesh demands a dowry, which turns out to be very hard for her to demand because she is from the lower strata of society.

Unaware of this, Chitra manages to enter the temple of ceremonial marriage and gets away with his wife. Later on, while tending to his ailing father, Chitra meets Gita, whom he had never met before. Chitra and Gita become lovers, and Chitra begins planning to leave his father’s house.

When he is finally married, his new bride’s family tries to stop him from moving into their home, but he disregards them. However, when his father dies, forcing Chitra to move out, he comes to realize that life is not as he thought it would be.

Kiran Naz Biography – Anchor Age Husband Daughter Salary

He is stunned when his new salary does not suffice, and he realizes that his dream of settling down in a comfortable and peaceful house with a decent and supportive salary is just a pipe dream. He flees to a nearby forest to live off the land for some time. But when his daughter Chitu invites some men for the wedding, Chitra gets suspicious of his absence and follows her, though he intends to steal the bride herself.

Chitu has been waiting all her life for her father to come home so that she can marry him and take care of him. Chitu’s sister Nandita and her husband Shiv Niwas (Anupam Sahoo), who happen to visit from Mumbai on a rare occasion to witness a Hindu wedding, convince Chitu to marry them.

Chitu’s father refuses, but Nandita persuades him by threatening to expose Chitra’s affair with Gita and force him to marry her. Frustrated, Chitu decides to elope with Nandita to return to her parent’s house. But instead of doing so, he ends up in the newlyweds’ house.

Chitu tries to escape from his parents and his soon-to-be ex-wife, but he metamorphoses into a monster and attacks them both. Fortunately, a herd of wild elephants arrive at the scene and help Chitu and Nandita to survive the attack. Once back home, Chitu reveals to his father about the affair, prompting his father to lock him in a room and execute him.

But Chitu is saved by Bala (Koena Sheikh), a merchant girl. She sells Chitu to an ivory trading post, but before he can leave, Chitu gets lost in the tunnel leading to the trading post. Hearing his cry for help, Gita (Sudhanshuvanan), a witch also involved in the theft, fetches Chitu from the tunnel and brings him to her home. Chitu immediately falls in love with Gita, and the two become best friends.

But when Chitu gets captured by terrorists, forcing Koena and Shiv to flee to India, Chitu must save his life and help the forces of a good fight against the terrorists. Although this movie is based on a true story, viewers need to take certain liberties to make the story more entertaining.

The movie is punctuated with shots of ancient India, which some viewers might find disturbing due to the depiction of blood and torture. Other than that, some scenes may be confusing due to the absence of proper English translation. On the positive side, this movie is worth watching, as it tackles important issues such as betrayal, human rights, and the fight between good and evil.

If you want to know how Indians think, this is a movie for you. Overall, Khan’s three films – Punch Bowl, Khoshang-E-Nabra, and Now You See It – have earned him an Oscar nomination. Although Now You See It did not win the Oscar for Best Picture, it was close behind, and it remains a popular movie and a massive hit in India.

Now You See It has made Khan into one of the most bankable actors in Hollywood. Therefore, one would be wise to see Now You See It if only for its excellent script and cinematography, but if you want to experience Indian cinema at its best, then definitely See You At The Event, a different kind of kiddie flick, is highly recommended.

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